Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Versastyle Part II - The Contests!

More information on the Versastyle project! This is the beginning of something bigger - a store catalog. It will be an actual book that you can take home and use to peruse the styles from the comfort (and less lag) environment of your choice. This book has bigger plans still, including being able to shop from home!

The catalog will show various ways in which a style works, be it classic, romantic, goth, fun, etc. It will be showcasing your style!

Now, the contests! I will be picking several styles and you may submit pictures for each style. There will be a set of criteria and photos will be judged by those criteria. The winning entries will be included in the catalog. Versastyle entries for the blog will also be included.

Contest winners will win prizes of course, and their photo(s) will be prominently displayed in Calla, and in a special section on the Calla website, as well as in the catalog!

The first contest will be announced on Sunday, March 1st, so stay tuned!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Versastyle: Hair Trends @ Calla

Welcome to my first post on the Calla blog, something I'm super excited about :)

I'm fascinated with how one hairstyle can have so many different looks, depending on the hair colour, shape, skin, clothes and accessories people are wearing. I've seen countless examples of this when I see customers in the Calla store or by people watching in other places in SL and even browsing fashion blogs or flickr. Everyone has their own sense of style, and I love to see how different people wear hair from Calla in ways I wouldn't think of myself.

The idea behind Versastyle is to highlight the different ways each of the hairstyles at Calla are being worn out there, and you can get involved! Whether your style is goth, punk, pretty, classic, grungey, vamp or fairy - we want to see how you wear Calla hair!

As Tigerlily mentioned in the previous post, we want your photos! Calla's slogan is "Discover your style!" - well now we want you to show us your style!

As well as featuring reviews of Calla hair by customers on this blog, we will also be looking for photos of people wearing each of the styles in their own unique way. These photos may be used in my posts here or for other exciting upcoming events (more about all that soon!), and I hope you'll find it fun to follow and contribute to. You can upload them to the Calla flickr pool, and don't worry if you have no photo editing skills - raw snapshots are good too!

I'm kicking off Versastyle with a review of the style that's been glued to my head for a week now.

I was instantly enamoured with the new
Pink Clove hair, it was literally love at first sight when I put this style on. Ponytails are always fashionable, partly because there's so many different ways to wear them. They can be casually messy, classy 'n' sleek or even punky-kitsch.

I'm always pining for new ponies, and the cute but Pink Clove hairstyle is just the fix I needed this month. Its got serious attitude, but it's still girly and *totally* me.

The back view of Pink Clove is squealworthy!

I needed an outfit to complement my new "hair crack", and luckily I didn't have to look very far. Last week I saw a new release from Nyte'n'Day which I had to have, an incredibly chic dress over leggings which I think matches the attitude of the hair perfectly. Add a pair of Maitreya's finest footwear in a matching colour and something shiny from Eolande's, et voilá!

Yep, I look stoned in the last pose. I'm high on hair!

Style notes:
Hair: Calla Pink Clove Brunettes II - Dark Chocolate
Outfit: Nyte'n'Day Floret - Teal
Skin: Rockberry - Mia
Jewelry: Eolande's Abundant Heart Set - Silver

Shoes: Maitreya Slinky Stilettos - Pine

Photo editing: Sinnamon Carter

Versastyle: Kat's Reviews and Guest Submissions

Katoria Stevenson, my store manager extraordinaire, will be starting something new which I am very excited about. She is going to start reviewing Calla styles, and showing off how versatile they can be. The theme for these posts will be Versastyle.

I am also asking for guest submissions! So if you have a favorite style you'd like to share, here's what to do:

Take lots of pictures showing the style. Photo editing is encouraged but please do not alter the hair in any way!

Add your pictures to the Calla Flickr Pool located here: and label them Versastyle.

Write up your guest submission. Be sure to include the direct link to the pictures on Flickr so I can show them in the blog post. Put Calla Guest Submission in the subject of your email and send it to me at tigerlily @ (remove the spaces).

I will post them as soon as I can.

The fine print: Submissions will be reviewed before posting. All valid efforts will be published with full author credit. Submissions may be edited slightly for grammatical errors and/or spelling errors. (I realize English is not a native tongue for many SL'ers and will try to make it as painless as possible on those who speak and write in other languages.)

Look for the first entry from Kat very soon!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Three New and an Absence

There are three new styles in the store today! All of them are ponytails and are part of the regular styles collection.

Dahlia II was a request from a customer. She wanted Dahlia without the glasses. So that's what I did! I also added some flexi to the sculpted ponytail part hanging from the french braid to give it some movement.

The other two are side pulled ponies, one high and funky, and one sleek and elegant with a little bit of spunk. Pics of all of them below!

Also, I will be out of touch until February 23rd. I will be going in for surgery today, and plan to take it easy for the weekend and part of next week. (Gallbladder, nothing hugely serious, but something I've been putting off for nearly a year now.)

If you have any customer service issues, please leave me a note card if it's not urgent. If you need quicker assistance, please contact Katoria Stevenson, or any of the customer service reps. If you go into the store, there is a staff board which will show you which of them is online, and allow you to page them from there. The board is right by the front door, you can't miss it. Kat is able to have undelivered purchases resent to you, so if you're missing your items please send her a note card with your transaction information and she will get it to you as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful weekend, and a happy Valentine's day!

Calla Dahlia II

Calla Pink Clove

Calla Thornapple

As always, you can pick them up at Calla!
©Calla, 2006-2009, All rights reserved.