Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Calla is moving, and other big changes!

Tousled will be staying on the sim that Calla is currently on. Callatropia is now Bricolage, and all Callatropia landmarks will continue to take you to the same island, with the new name, and soon the home of Tousled.

Calla is moving to a new location!

I will be sending out landmarks for the new location tomorrow as well as an invitation to the re-opening of Calla!

For the last month, I have had the immense pleasure of working with an extraordinary builder. Her name is Holly Klaxon, and she has been nothing less than a godsend. In the time that I've worked with her, I've been amazed at how well she understands the vision for Calla I have in my head. She has gone above and beyond, and has worked magic where there once was only plywood. The new build is breathtaking, full of incredible detail, and has been crafted with love and care. I want to give you a sneak peek, but I've yet to be able to take a picture that does it even the smallest amount of justice. You'll have to see it for yourself in a few days.

The next part of the magic is brought to you by Katoria Stevenson. She has been baking things up, and you will not believe how awesome things are going to be. Every time I said, "What if..." or "I'd really like to..." she figured out a way.

First off, there will be a new store card system. Gone will be the days of having to wait to get your gift certificate redeemed. No more losing them in transit from your inventory to mine, and back again. No more filling out note cards! If you have a Calla Gift Certificate that you would like to trade in for a new store card, please send me a note with your gift certificate and I will send you the new card by Monday.

Not only will there be store cards, but they are refillable! You'll be able to add L$ to your store card balance. If you want to get something else but there's not enough L$ on your card, you can go to the front desk and add a little more. There will also be a bonus L$ amount added every time you refill your Calla Store card.

In addition, there will be an automated re-delivery system. You know, for those times that you pay for something, and the Lindens think, "Ohhh, I want that!" and it disappears into the void. No more going through your transactions and filling out note cards, waiting on me to verify your purchase and resend it to you. You'll be able to go to the front desk and get it sent to you again - instantly.

In the coming weeks, there will also be a frequent shopper's program which will get you discounts and free hair!

Calla for Men is being taken over by my real life brother, Griptape Pro, and will be its own entity within Calla. The Men's department will have its own Store Card system, and the new re-delivery system as well. He's made some fabulous men's styles and I have no doubt that this will be better all around for you gentlemen! Griptape has been in Second Life for a good long while now and has had his own store, Musician's Paradise, for over a year, so he's not new to the grid or to the way things work in SL.

Keep an eye out tomorrow for your invitation to the re-opening. As always, it will be open only for Calla Update Group members first, and then I will open up to the public a few hours later. I'll be closing membership to the in-world group Friday morning. If you're juggling groups, here's your head's up!

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