Baby's Breath was a request from my customer service rep, Always Loveless. She wanted some "country braids," and here they are! They look amazing with a cowboy hat!
Grape-vine is my favorite of these four. It's that wonderfully sexy, steamy, mussed-up-cause-you-just-got-some look. It's also flexi!
Gloxinia II was a request as well, this time from Katoria Stevenson, my store manager and right arm. If you have Gloxinia, you'll know this look. It's what it looks like before it all rezzes completely. I've always thought it would make a cute short style, and by demand, here it is! It's also flexi, just as the original.
This one is also a derivation of Gloxinia. This time, it went long and got a bit different bangs. I've had a surprisingly large number of customers ask for Gloxinia, but longer. Finally, I broke down and did it. It turned out so cute, and has a bit of a rocker feel to it. It has great flexi as well and moves nicely.
As always, you can pick them up at Calla!
Also new to Calla is the Picks Rewards Program! This is a picks rewards unlike any other.
The longer you have Calla listed in your picks, the better the rewards will be! Each month you're enrolled, the rewards get better and better. So for example: Month one, you get a style in one color. Month six, maybe you'd get a full pack. Month 12, a gift certificate so you could pick any pack/style you want. Month 24, maybe a free custom style! Who knows? The sky's the limit and I promise you the rewards will get significantly better over time. You MUST stay enrolled, or you'll have to start over at month 1.
There are details in the store, and the kiosk to sign up is also in the store by the XStreetSL kiosk, right by the front door. The first reward goes out April 1st. (No, really, it's not an April Fool's joke!)
Sign up now, at Calla!
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