Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Friday, September 28, 2007

The fun never ends

Things happen in threes, right? Please tell me yes, cause this would be number 3 and I'm pretty much needing a break.

Oh, and if Catero is reading this, this might top the period saga, so get ready.

I have this stupid choking problem. I can choke on about anything. Stupid things. Macaroni and cheese - stuck. Soup - stuck. Rice - really stuck. Eggs - mega stuck. Good news, it doesn't get stuck in my airway so I can breathe. Bad news, it gets stuck in my esophagus and won't go up or down. If I try to drink, I feel like I'm drowning because it just sits in my throat and won't go down all the way. I do this fairly often, a few times a week. I've done it my whole life. Eventually, I gag enough and can get whatever it is that's stuck back up.

Until last night. My hubby was late coming home from work, so he stopped and picked up KFC. Mmmmm! Honey barbeque sandwich heaven. I got about 3 bites and choked. It wouldn't go down, wouldn't come up, I was hugging the bathroom sink trying to get it out. After half an hour (and quite a few threats of doing it) my husband called 911. Apparently half our town (it's a little town) is on the rescue squad because they all showed up at our house. They brought a stretcher into our bathroom and took me out. Fifteen minutes to the hospital, trying to give me oxygen because I wasn't breathing so much because I was gagging constantly.

I got a shot of some Glucogen stuff that hurt like crap and is still making me feel really sick today. It's supposed to relax the smooth muscles. After two+ hours, I finally got up a piece of chicken - which they saved for me. How nice. I get to take it to my Dr today. He'll be so happy, I'm sure. They were about to start getting me ready to go via helicopter to one of the bigger hospitals 2 hours away - like came in with the IV bag and all that hoopla, when it finally came up.

The ER doc was glad, he was starting to get really worried, and said there was no reason at all that I should have choked on a piece of sandwich that small. So now I have to let them stick a camera in my throat to see what's going on. (I'd had a barium/swallow study a few months ago and that was normal.) ER doc is thinking surgery. Yay. After 31 years of choking on the dumbest things for seemingly no reason, I'm really hoping they can figure it out and fix it. I'd like to be able to eat a waffle without fearing for my life.

On the SL side of things, I've got seven styles newly colored in all the new colors. I've just got to get them boxed up and my little trip to the ER last night set me behind. I was hoping to get them out today, but it looks like it will be tomorrow - possibly Sunday. Something to look forward to: Water Willow is coming! YEEEHAW!


Summer Deadlight said...


I am not laughing at your choking, that is a horrible thing. I have tonsils and at times I end up choking on just water, or my own well saliva. I hope they can figure out what is going on for you though! That would be a terrifying experience *hug* im glad you are getting checked out.

But what was funny was, your post was about what is going on with the choking and then at the very better, a little blurb about hair. :)

Let us know what happened, if they have a diagnoses or if they can help you out! Aaaaaand I love your hair styles!

Anonymous said...

Oy my mom and I have that issue but it's intermittant and so tests don't catch it blah....

Ask to be test for muscular dystrophy... some are adult onset... that can do it too...

Good luck! :)

Teagan Blackthorne said...

Oh my! I thought it was bad that I choke on soup all the time...cheese thing...Italians like muenster in our soups. My husband has teased me for ages that I choke on soup.

I hope everything is okay. They did that camera thing for my son but all the tests were inconclusive. I hope yours is more promising.

Alpha Gam @ GCSU said...

Ouch sounds aggravating. Hope they can find it and fix it soon.

Anonymous said...

What does this have to do with hair or sl?

~*~ said...

Good GOD! I'm glad you're okay! :O

Betty Barracuda said...

Eep! Glad you are ok too. You should stick to smoothies and milkshakes for a while! (hmmm mmm KFC chicken smoothies... *hurls*)

Hope they fix ya up soon girly!

Tigerlily Koi said...

Wow this isn't just me? Somehow that makes me feel strangely better. Not that I'd want anyone else to go through this, but I feel less abnormal now. They didn't scope it last night when it was happening, not sure why, nor did I care too much at that moment. But yeah, 2 hours of choking is not fun and it's a really scary feeling. And I'm not too keen on eating anything today. Ice cream is okay though, as long as it doesn't have anything in it. :)

To the anonymous commenter: Obviously you didn't read the whole thing, because I explained at the bottom what it had to do with SL and hair. Not that this blog is all about SL and/or hair because Hae and I often will write about other things. I'm guessing you're a new reader to our blog. We've done a lot of blogging, about brownies, and periods, and puking pasta, paint on the carpet, and whatever else strikes our fancies. But the answer to your question is the last paragraph of the blog entry. And welcome to the Random Ramblings of the Calla Girls!

Unknown said...

I blame KFC. :-P They suck!
What a horrible experience! I'm sorry! I had to do the barium thing too and that really sucked. I practically gagged like 50 times trying to stomach that nasty nasty nasssssty stuff!

Feel better soon! <3
Bailey Dazy

Laynie said...

Good grief, girl... sounds like my last 6 months! I hope they fix you. I'll have to drop some get-well-soon goodies on you! (If my wrist will cooperate!)

Unknown said...

Hope you get well soon. I had some swallowing difficulties a few years back and told my doctor that food was getting stuck in my throat below my larynx. He told me only old people had trouble with swallowing and that I probably just had allergies/post-nasal drip. I said I've had allergies my whole life and this was different, so I hauled myself off to a ENT guy. He stuck a camera tube down my throat and found an esophageal polyp which had to be taken out by endoscopy. It was benign, and I've had no trouble since. Yours sounds much more serious, I can't believe they can't find a reason. Good luck and feel better soon! xoxo - Tardis Noel

stacy said...

Hi there,
Have you ever had or been tested for reflux? I know some severe reflux can cause swallowing problems. My ex would choke or not be able to swallow most food (even small or soft things like your sandwich). His problem was reflux that went undiagnosed for a long time.
I hope you feel better soon! Let me know if you have any questions. :)
goodwillstacy stindberg

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