Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Feelin' blah, and a sneak peek!

Some of you might have noticed I haven't been in-world much this week. Sunday I started getting really dizzy. I'll pause while everyone makes a joke. ;) Anyway, I ended up in the Dr's office Monday, he wants to follow up tomorrow and do brain scans, etc etc if it's not any better. So far, it's not much different. It comes and goes. If I move, the world spins. If I'm still, it's not so bad. And I have a brain cloud. Twenty L to whoever knows what movie that's from. I just feel kinda foggy and my attention span is worse than my three-year-old's.

But anyway, I'm not feeling so great. If you've sent me a message, please resend. Cause likely I've read it and forgotten it. I've tried to keep an actual physical list, but that's not going so well either.

However, we do have some stuff in the works! Hae's got the cutest ever dreads. To die for. I wish I had a picture (grid's down or I'd go get one) to show you. They are so, so great. Color change beads and the whole shabang.

Here's one I've got for the next release. I've been wearing it a lot, simply because I'm just too foggy to worry about changing. But the outfit is killer and so it's okay.

Oh hair. Yeah, it's flexi, and kinda whispy all over. I was trying something different with this one and it came out pretty cute. Some of the group got it in two blonde shades because the blondes show flicker much worse than any other colors. This one should have been unbelievably flickery due to all the alpha textures in it. Somehow it's not, so yay for that! It looked great on the handful of girls that got to try it, and I didn't see any fitting issues with anyone. So it'll be out with the next release. Which will be....? Hae? I dunno. Whenever we get to it. This weekend maybe.

Oh oh oh! Much uber thanks to Hae for holding the fort. It's really nice to know that I can be all spacey and she's got things covered. Y'all be extra nice to her. I've been forgetting her coffee.

Hopefully I'll be in tippy toppy shape again soon and back to normal.

I hope everyone has a happy Wednesday. Aren't these just the worst sitting around waiting for the grid to come up? Let's all pray they don't bork things too badly.


Foxie said...

Hope you're feeling much better real soon. Rest up and take care! *hugs*

diana said...

Yes, please get better soon! Sending good thoughts your way...

Anonymous said...

Tigerlily - I so hope you're doing better! The "brain cloud" reference is from Joe vs. the Volcano. Worst Tom Hanks movie ever! lol

Anonymous said...
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Tigerlily Koi said...

Thanks guys :) I've got a follow up appt Monday, had the MRI's done on Sunday (I know, right?) so hopefully we'll know more then.

Molly, I passed you a GC in world! <3 Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan together!

Anonymous said...

But, Sleepless In Seattle..... sigh...

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