Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Thursday, April 05, 2007

/me stops to breathe

Okay, I've been the worst ever blogger lately. We've been insanely busy with Hair Fair stuff, and Relay for Life stuff, and RL stuff, and the usual customers, and grid issues, and. Yeah, you get it.

Anyway, so I'm in the shop today, minding my own business. Trying to help a new girl find the medium length styles.

When out of nowhere I get an IM (I might not have answered had I realized it was a guy to start with, but he had a "typically" girl's name) :

[11:01] Clueless Boy: very nice look girl ;)
[11:01] Tigerlily Koi: aww thanks :)
[11:01] Clueless Boy: awww yw :)
[11:02] Clueless Boy: should i keep looking at you or come over and talk to you ??
[11:02] Clueless Boy: :)
[11:03] Tigerlily Koi: lol
[11:03] Tigerlily Koi: I can honestly say NO one has ever asked me that
[11:03] Clueless Boy: and that means??
[11:03] Clueless Boy: what :)
[11:04] Tigerlily Koi: means I have no idea how to answer that lol

So he comes over and stands, like, right on top of me. And I realize it's a guy.

[11:04] Clueless Boy: your alittle one
[11:04] Tigerlily Koi: no, you're a tall one
[11:04] Clueless Boy: yep
[11:04] Clueless Boy: but
[11:04] Clueless Boy: i think u might look good on me :)
[11:05] Tigerlily Koi: my avie's 5'10 barefoot :)
[11:05] Clueless Boy: i don't measure :)

I call bullshit.

[11:05] Tigerlily Koi: all men measure
[11:05] Clueless Boy: size doesn't count :)
[11:06] Clueless Boy: does it ??
[11:06] Tigerlily Koi: yep

What?! I'm not going to LIE!

[11:06] Clueless Boy: well hell then
[11:06] Clueless Boy: wanna try me on for size ?? :)
[11:07] Tigerlily Koi: you're serious?
[11:07] Clueless Boy: hell yes
[11:07] Clueless Boy: :)
[11:07] Clueless Boy: look at u
[11:07] Clueless Boy: :)

I look at me. Maybe this new skin isn't the best idea.

[11:08] Clueless Boy: u own this place ??
[11:08] Tigerlily Koi: I do
[11:08] Clueless Boy: you did a nice job
[11:08] Clueless Boy: very organized
[11:09] Clueless Boy: and well done
[11:09] Tigerlily Koi: Thank you :)
[11:09] Tigerlily Koi: My partner did most of it, she's the organizational one, and our friend Nex, who owns Brutal Gear, did the building itself

I pause while he lets that "p" word sink in. He changes tactics.

[11:10] Clueless Boy: is all the hair here flexi ??
[11:10] Tigerlily Koi: nope, only some of it
[11:10] Clueless Boy: you have a nice one
[11:10] Clueless Boy: it looks good on u
[11:10] Tigerlily Koi: thanks :) It's a new one, not out yet
[11:11] Clueless Boy: it's nice
[11:11] Tigerlily Koi: Thanks :)
[11:11] Clueless Boy: how long have you had this
[11:11] Tigerlily Koi: the shop?
[11:11] Clueless Boy: yes
[11:12] Tigerlily Koi: we've been here on the island about 2 months
[11:12] Clueless Boy: why not all flex ?
[11:12] Tigerlily Koi: because we hate flexi
[11:12] Clueless Boy: but thats a brand right ?

Flexi is a brand?! I didn't get that memo.

[11:12] Tigerlily Koi: no
[11:13] Clueless Boy: that means the hair flows correct ?
[11:13] Clueless Boy: like yours
[11:13] Clueless Boy: wen u move
[11:13] Tigerlily Koi: right
[11:13] Tigerlily Koi: it's a type of prim
[11:13] Clueless Boy: so why do you hate it
[11:14] Tigerlily Koi: it's just hard to make it look right without being crazy all over the place
[11:14] Clueless Boy: but in the longer styles especially
[11:14] Clueless Boy: the hair looks like straw if it's not flexi
[11:15] Tigerlily Koi: only if the textures look like straw

He pauses to consider this. I hope he was looking at the horrible looking thing on his head that he thought passed for hair. It looked like it had, at some point, been alive.

[11:16] Clueless Boy: i like to buy hair for girls that i know
[11:16] Clueless Boy: how do i buy and give later

Now, I'm pretty sure he's Clueless.

[11:17] Tigerlily Koi: you can't, hair is no transfer. You can buy gift cards though
[11:17] Clueless Boy: yeah but then they come and get the stupid thing they want :)
[11:17] Clueless Boy: and u see what some of them walk outta here with i'm sure
[11:17] Clueless Boy: clueless

My jaw actually fell open IRL.

[11:18] Tigerlily Koi: I think you're badmouthing my customers
[11:18] Clueless Boy: well yes
[11:18] Clueless Boy: but they can't hear me:)
[11:18] Tigerlily Koi: But I can
[11:18] Clueless Boy: and i'm your customer

He's badmouthing himself?!

[11:18] Clueless Boy: a good one
[11:18] Clueless Boy: :)
[11:18] Tigerlily Koi: you're not wearing my hair

He can't be that good.

[11:19] Clueless Boy: well
[11:19] Clueless Boy: help me then
[11:19] Clueless Boy: find me a hair
[11:19] Clueless Boy: i came here first
[11:20] Tigerlily Koi: The men's section is on the far side

Of the moon.

At which point, the grid Gods had mercy on me and the sim crashed.


Anonymous said...

LOL I know this blog entry is about a week old but I just had to comment on it. I work at a clothing store in SL and I occasionally get difficult customers, though none as awful as that! I feel your pain, yet you still made me laugh with your commentary lol

diana said...

Wow... *shakes head*...thanks for the laugh... if nothing else, he was comic relief!

Tigerlily Koi said...

You know, it wasn't until later, after the shock wore off that I really caught this:

[11:17] Clueless Boy: yeah but then they come and get the stupid thing they want :)
[11:17] Clueless Boy: and u see what some of them walk outta here with i'm sure
[11:17] Clueless Boy: clueless

He's saying we have stupid hair?! He's saying girls come in here, buy the hair they want, and leave looking clueless?! NOT from our store, they don't!!!

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