Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The thing about pasta

Was talking to Marleen tonight... Marleen, who just gets awesomer by the day, and just opened up her very own store called, you guessed it, Marlys. VINTAGE ZOMG. Some seriously cute stuff. Marlys is located in the wonderful sim of Envy, which houses some of the best shops and galleries I've come across. Go there, buy stuff, rock the fuck out.

Ahem, where was I? Oh, yes. Was talking to Marly... about puking. Sorry, but we were. We were talking about things that make us WANT to barf. (like 9 million group notices... and group spam up the ass ABOUT those friggen notices.)

[21:43] Marleen Vaughan: sorta makes me wanna barf
[21:43] Haedon Quine: ya
[21:44] Haedon Quine: big white chunks, and pasta that I had no idea I ate
[21:44] Marleen Vaughan: HAHAHAHA
[21:44] Haedon Quine: there's ALWAYS pasta in there that you know you didn't eat
[21:44] Marleen Vaughan: and CORN!
[21:44] Marleen Vaughan: or is that in your poo?
[21:45] Haedon Quine: Like it stays in your stomach, and while all the other food goes on to be shit out, it stays in there... cause it knows that its duty is to be there when you finally barf. Even if it's 7 weeks from now. It'll be there. Cause pasta is fucking reliable.

Marleen, she's about the poo. And pasta is reliable. These are valuable lessons folks. Valuable. Write them down and stick them in your purse or wallet for inspiration.

PS. This is what happens when Haedon blogs. Especially late at night.
PPS. Marlys is right next to Pushbutton Industries and I may get a cookie for saying so. kthxbai

1 comment:

Marls Vaughan said...

where's my fuckin' cookie!? I brought up POO for christ's sake! surely i get a cookie for that!!

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