You all know how Lily and I like our colour change. It's fabulous! What are you wearing? Yellow? We got that. Turquoise? We got that, too! Burnt sienna? Yeah... it's in there somewhere. So, how would you feel if we were to change the way our colourable hair bands/clips work?
Right now we have 140 colours to choose from. It's an awful lot. Pretty simple, too. The commands are on channel 4, and you spit out a colour on the corresponding colour chart that comes with your hair. But, we're thinking about changing this to a menu based system. This means you'd be able to touch the hair, and a menu would pop up letting you choose a colour from that.
Unfortunately this will cut the colour choices down to 66 choices. And we will not be replacing the scripts in any of the older hair. We would put them in all new releases, and give the script to anyone that wanted it (no mod/no trans of course). But this would allow you to put it into any hair style you've purchased previously.
So there are some pros, and some cons here to both systems. What we want are your opinions. What are YOUR pros and cons? Are you cool with the system we have now, or do you think we should change it, and why. Our decision here is totally based on the responses to this post. So respond, and let us know what you think! :)
Much love,
©Calla, 2006-2009, All rights reserved.
I tend to use the basic colors anyway so either would be fine with me. Which causes more lag? I vote for whatever causes less lag.
I love having lots of fine-tuned options, so I would very much prefer to keep the current 140-color scheme rather than go to a more limited menu.
Perhaps it would be possible to have fewer options if there were 60-ish basic colors, and a separate light/medium/dark selector?
I have a leaning twards keeping the current system. I like to have all the choices and with my jobs as hostess, it comes in handy having the ablility to change the color to what I need.
Wow, didn't realize just how many colors have been available! I can live with 66 colors as long as there's a good assortment of blonde/brunette/redhead as well as other colors to chose from.
I tend to like EZ Plans, so I think the new method would work well for me. --Everly
I perfer to keep a lot of colors to choose from.
I agree with Jana. Whichever option that creates less lag would be better.
As for 140 vs 66 colors, since I can't get my shoes to exactly match my skirt or trousers, I woudn't fret too much if my hairband didn't exactly match.
Here's some chatter from the group:
[7:24] Mikaelle Serapis: I vote to leave it as is, Tiger.... There's already too much sacrifice for convenience and simplicity in this world. :/
7:25] Foxie Summers: really? excellent! more curly hair sounds great. touch menu for colour changing is a great idea though the way it is at the moment is pretty good too.
[7:27] Barbara Onomatopoeia: i don't mind changing from folder.
[7:27] Mikaelle Serapis: Besides, ladies... if you really think about it -how many (besides the frumps like me) stand in front of a mirror doing their RL hair for ...forEver?! It can't possibly be putting us out THAT much to fish in our inventory for a color change...! :D
I very much prefer the current system; it lets me see all the colors, and gives me much finer choices. The more colors the better! 66 is definitely not enough, and I _do_ like being able to match as precisely as I can.
Plus, I think the menu systems are more clunky, and harder to fiddle with on the fly, especially since the names of the colors are a bit arbitrary, and it's hard to remember which is which. Not to mention, it's way too easy to accidentally click on your head instead of on yourself when trying to do something else, and have the menu pop up even when you don't want it.
If confronted with a menu system, I would retint by editing manually rather than use it.
I know that I replied to Tigerlily in chat, but that was before I realized we were discussing accessories. Either system works fine for me, but I definitely prefer to fine tune the color of accessory to match my outfit.
-- Barbara Onomatopoeia
I like the system you have now. It's much nicer to be able to see all the colors on a chart and match rather than try to pick and choose through a menu system :)
I prefer the larger variety of the system you have now. Menu system is nice, but I love choices, choices, choices to match whatever outfit I might find :)
I love the menu idea. So much easier and faster I think. I think the 60+ colors is more than enough. I'm sure everyone can find a color so match your outfit or something close to what you are looking for.
Sopia B.
I vote for the old system, BUT! A lot of those options don't actually WORK right, as I noticed in particular on your cute little hat. I select a shade that looks perfect, and it turns out to look completely different on the item itself. Very frustrating! Particularly around the reds.
@ Scar:
Actually, I've just discovered that. The old chart we had, I'd taken actual pictures of in world prims, so what you saw was actually what you got. But when we switched to the 140 colors, I didn't reshoot the chart, I just went with the one that came with it...and you're right. It's lacking.
I started taking pictures in world of all the colors, and got through the blues and stopped. Because I really don't want to do that if we're going to change the color chart.
But if we keep the 140 colors, I will be doing a new chart, with all 140 in-world-swatches. :)
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