However, I know that a lot of people out there like flexi. So I make it. And cuss at it the whole time.
Now, my question is this:
Taper the flexi? Or don't taper the flexi?
Tapered flexi looks like:
And non-tapered flexi looks like: (look in the middle of the ad)
So, thoughts, opinions? Do you care?
Don't taper. I like it better when the hair doesn't poke out thru the other hair.
I do love all of your hair, and do HATE totally flexi hair too. Hair coming out the chest is creepy! The taper look is better, it combines both, and looks so much better! ty you are awesome :)
Hmm. I suppose it's a personal preference thing. I prefer the non-tapered, usually, but sometimes the taper has the right look for a particular style.
I prefer the tapered look myself. At least for my style of hair it would look better on me =^_^=
I think tapered and non-tapered depending on the style. Not either/or :) Thanks for asking!
From what I've seen, don't tapper. Looks a little more polished and less like a series of daggers sticking out. ;)
I'm sorry, I haven't a clue what the difference is. Does it help if I just say I think your hairstyles are awesome, that I no longer buy hair from anywhere else, and love all the styles? Sorry that was a useless reponse!
SL Resident Cryonica says: taper looks nicer. Non taper looks too thin at then edges.
Altho it is weird seeing hair coming out of your body, it is more natural when some hair moves and some doesnt. I think it depends on the length of the hair and the style.
I do have lots of Calla hair!!
Maude Marbles
Posting from group responses (cause I'm bad like that and will forget what you guys said)
Kelly Plubeau: based on the images --- one vote for non tapered
Isabella Lazarno: i vote non tapered =)
daria Ahn: I love the tapered
Milla Michinaga: i like the tapered too
Tigerlily Koi: Hae's a non-taper. I'm a taper, cause it's easier to color and I'm lazy
Talyn Barrett: i like the alpha textures...
Don't taper. I think the hair looks better that way. Thanks for asking us!
Chloe Says: I love Calla Hair!! I only buy Calla's. That said...
Taper does depend on the hair style. Holly is my fave and since I now know it is taper, I like it best that way, but long hair looks best with all flexi. I know it looks kinda weird sometimes but I don't care for the hair that looks like a board moving in all one piece.
Love you Tiger & Haedon!!!!
I vote for "dont taper"
Keep doing what you have been doing!! Not either/or, it's all good; depends on style. I wear either Holly or White Camellia :-) as my default "me" choice depending on what I am wearing. That's why I say please keep doing both.
I drastically love changing hair and own embarassing tonnage of Calla hair with intent to possess more. :->
You are the best, I haven't bought hair anywhere else for a long time! But back to taper, I love the variety, the updo's and think you should keep all the "tools" at you fingertips.
All homage to the hair divas!
don't taper! i like it much better that way. ty for asking. :)
Taper ... they all look great
Keep up the great work
I think it depends on the style, but I like the look on non-taper better. :)
no taper looks nicer to me!
I vote for non-tapered.
I vote non-tapered as a rule, but, it really depands on the hairstyle. I wear both myself
non-taper! tapered looks like some strange alien is trying to escape from your hair.
Zorn Cheetah
I prefer the non-tapered because I like the independent movement that the non-tapered seems to have over the tapered. However, this can make a style looks messy instead of clean. My impression of your shop is more clean styles than anything else so the non-tapered just doesn't seem Calla-like. *shrug*
Holy smokes! Where are you folks the rest of the time?! That's a lot of posts!
Glad to see you all lurking out there. :)
Seriously! Who knew you were all out there. Nice to see some familliar names :)
I set up a demonstration last night for anyone that wants to come see both the tapered, and non-tapered flexi. You can move them in Edit Mode, and check them out if you aren't sure what's what. They're right inside the front door, next to the colour demos!
I like the non-taper because it just looks better. It's still pretty but with out the hair flying everywhere and coming out anywhere.
Count me in the no-taper side. :)
I had no idea we had this many readers. Woohoo! How smart is Hae? Awesome idea as always.
Hi :)
I like all styles of hairs, so taped would be nice also ;D
Personal Choice I spose but I like the aper in these examples there. I also love the new flexi styles just released!
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