We've discounted the Holiday Edition Color packs to 50% off. There's just a few more days left to grab them, so stop by. The 25 color pack is just 300L. (That's only 12L per color!)
We've got some wonderful things coming next week, I'm so excited! We've got the contest going on (see Hae's post below, or the notecard in world at our shop) and we've got I think 17 styles now to release. Woot!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Calla... We got nothin'
Seriously, we got nothing. We were trying to come up with a slogan type thinger the other day, and while we may be creative with prims... we find that we are uncreative with words. We need your help! Help Calla find a slogan.
What's in it for me, you might ask. Well, there IS a prize. Whoever comes up with the slogan that we like best will have their avatar featured in one of our new ads for the upcoming January release. (There's like 15 styles being released in January! but shh... I didn't tell you.) So, you want to see your gorgeous face on our wall? It comes with an "I gotta have em all" pack of the hair style you'll be modeling. That's like... well... it's a lot of colours!
How do I win this awesomely spectacular prize??!? Well, get those creative juices flowing, kick around some ideas. When you have something you like, put it on a notecard, and come to the store in Plush Kappa. There's a mailbox right in the front door for you to drag that notecard into. Make sure your name is on the notecard!
First prize - Featured model of a brand new hairstyle with an Everything pack of colours.
Second Prize - 1000L Gift Certificate
Third Prize - 600L Gift Certificate
If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up, Haedon Quine, in-world. You have till January 3rd to get your notecards into the mailbox. Winners will be announced on January 4th.
Much love and all that jazz,
What's in it for me, you might ask. Well, there IS a prize. Whoever comes up with the slogan that we like best will have their avatar featured in one of our new ads for the upcoming January release. (There's like 15 styles being released in January! but shh... I didn't tell you.) So, you want to see your gorgeous face on our wall? It comes with an "I gotta have em all" pack of the hair style you'll be modeling. That's like... well... it's a lot of colours!
How do I win this awesomely spectacular prize??!? Well, get those creative juices flowing, kick around some ideas. When you have something you like, put it on a notecard, and come to the store in Plush Kappa. There's a mailbox right in the front door for you to drag that notecard into. Make sure your name is on the notecard!
First prize - Featured model of a brand new hairstyle with an Everything pack of colours.
Second Prize - 1000L Gift Certificate
Third Prize - 600L Gift Certificate
If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up, Haedon Quine, in-world. You have till January 3rd to get your notecards into the mailbox. Winners will be announced on January 4th.
Much love and all that jazz,
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Nex Brannan you're my hero!!!
About a week ago, I was told by Lily that our blogger images weren't coming up in FireFox. I was a little perturbed because I had looked for a pretty blogger template for a few days before settling on the one we had. I desperately needed to get away from that awful pink, I don't know what I was thinking when I put it up.
So, it was back to searching. What else is there to do at my RL job but browse page upon page of blogger templates. I needed something pretty, something classy... something that spoke to me. But really, there's just a limited amount of things out there that fit.
I had noticed that the Brutal Gear blog was super spiffy. So I asked Nex if he could help my poor webtarded ass out. Thankfully he said he would, even though he's swamped at the moment. Look how awesome it is! Like I said... You're my hero ;)
I'm also going to take this time to elaborate on just how awesome Nex is. I should have done this a while ago, but I'm a little bit of a slacker. He recently accepted my offer to put his stuffs in our sorry looking Calla men's section.

There are mechanic shirts with prim rolled sleeves for added definition. It's that extra something you won't find elsewhere. They come in black, blue, brown and blood. I haven't tried these on.. mainly cause I'm a girl and I like looking like one. But I've seen Nex in them and all I have is "Yum!".

On top of the shirts, jeans, belt buckles and uber cool Bomber Jacket.. he makes sunglasses! (And Squishy Pete.. but that's a whole other story). You have to see these. I actually used a pair of the Carbon Cross Sunglasses in one of our Calla shadow box displays in the store. These are not just for the boys!
Nex's stuffs are not only available in our store. They can be found on both SLBoutique.com and SLexchange.com. The holidays are near... it's freakin' cold. Wouldn't your guy look great in a bomber?
So, it was back to searching. What else is there to do at my RL job but browse page upon page of blogger templates. I needed something pretty, something classy... something that spoke to me. But really, there's just a limited amount of things out there that fit.
I had noticed that the Brutal Gear blog was super spiffy. So I asked Nex if he could help my poor webtarded ass out. Thankfully he said he would, even though he's swamped at the moment. Look how awesome it is! Like I said... You're my hero ;)
I'm also going to take this time to elaborate on just how awesome Nex is. I should have done this a while ago, but I'm a little bit of a slacker. He recently accepted my offer to put his stuffs in our sorry looking Calla men's section.

There are mechanic shirts with prim rolled sleeves for added definition. It's that extra something you won't find elsewhere. They come in black, blue, brown and blood. I haven't tried these on.. mainly cause I'm a girl and I like looking like one. But I've seen Nex in them and all I have is "Yum!".

On top of the shirts, jeans, belt buckles and uber cool Bomber Jacket.. he makes sunglasses! (And Squishy Pete.. but that's a whole other story). You have to see these. I actually used a pair of the Carbon Cross Sunglasses in one of our Calla shadow box displays in the store. These are not just for the boys!
Nex's stuffs are not only available in our store. They can be found on both SLBoutique.com and SLexchange.com. The holidays are near... it's freakin' cold. Wouldn't your guy look great in a bomber?
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ayeshe's Angels Item
Some of you may have heard about Ayeshe Millions, or seen the fundraisers, the yard sales, and events raising money for her medical care. If you haven't, you can read about it at the Simone! Fans blog. Most of you may recoginze her work, we have had her skin demos up in our shop for a long time.
Ayeshe is really one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. I've had the pleasure to get to know her and spend time with her, and I have to say, Ayeshe is one of those magical people who just radiate joy. She's truly a gift. When I got the notecard from Simone about her medical struggles, I knew I couldn't sit by and do nothing.
We put six styles up at the yardsale, all discounted to 100L and 100% of the proceeds going to Simone Stern for Ayeshe's medical fund. Just for those sales alone, Calla (and you our customers!) raised 42,800L. (About $145 usd.)
We are putting out a new item in our store as part of the Ayeshe's Angels drive. Every L used to purchase it goes directly to Ayeshe's medical fund. Please wear it with pride and know that you've contributed to helping this amazing woman. Buy one for your friends, give it as gifts, tell your friends about it.
Ayeshe is really one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. I've had the pleasure to get to know her and spend time with her, and I have to say, Ayeshe is one of those magical people who just radiate joy. She's truly a gift. When I got the notecard from Simone about her medical struggles, I knew I couldn't sit by and do nothing.
We put six styles up at the yardsale, all discounted to 100L and 100% of the proceeds going to Simone Stern for Ayeshe's medical fund. Just for those sales alone, Calla (and you our customers!) raised 42,800L. (About $145 usd.)
We are putting out a new item in our store as part of the Ayeshe's Angels drive. Every L used to purchase it goes directly to Ayeshe's medical fund. Please wear it with pride and know that you've contributed to helping this amazing woman. Buy one for your friends, give it as gifts, tell your friends about it.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sometimes, things take on a life of their own.
You know what I mean. You start out, you're just going to do one little thing, and it turns into something much bigger.
I'd been working on hair (yes, I still do that believe it or not) and wanted some input on how it looked. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, and Hae wasn't home to look at it, so I decided to ask the gals on the group list for some opinions. I tp'd 5 girls in, and gave them all a copy to see what they thought, and to see how it looked on them. Sometimes you really have to see it on someone else to be sure that it's finished. Jeanie, and Mui, that hair was made for you two, I just didn't know it. It looked so cute on everyone that was there, but seeing it on those two did it for me. I knew it was done.
We stood around chatting about how we all looked the same and kinda laughing at ourselves. Digit Darkes (of X3D) is a friend of mine and she was there. She said she was going to blog it, I threatened bodily harm if she called it the temporary name I'd given it, and then she starts running with the idea. She passes out matching dresses to all the girls, we head to her studio/office to take pictures. By this time Hae's home and she joins us. Of course we can't leave out Aleri and Dakota who are there. So we keep adding girls, playing with poses, adding more dresses, passing out more hair, and having a huge blast.
I got to play with my customers, and a couple of friends, and that's always the best. I really appreciate you girls being so willing to give up your time, and your opinions, and kick back and have some fun with us. I had an awesome time, and I hope you all did too!
Here's a picture of the new style, and all of us posing glamorously! ;)
I'd been working on hair (yes, I still do that believe it or not) and wanted some input on how it looked. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, and Hae wasn't home to look at it, so I decided to ask the gals on the group list for some opinions. I tp'd 5 girls in, and gave them all a copy to see what they thought, and to see how it looked on them. Sometimes you really have to see it on someone else to be sure that it's finished. Jeanie, and Mui, that hair was made for you two, I just didn't know it. It looked so cute on everyone that was there, but seeing it on those two did it for me. I knew it was done.
We stood around chatting about how we all looked the same and kinda laughing at ourselves. Digit Darkes (of X3D) is a friend of mine and she was there. She said she was going to blog it, I threatened bodily harm if she called it the temporary name I'd given it, and then she starts running with the idea. She passes out matching dresses to all the girls, we head to her studio/office to take pictures. By this time Hae's home and she joins us. Of course we can't leave out Aleri and Dakota who are there. So we keep adding girls, playing with poses, adding more dresses, passing out more hair, and having a huge blast.
I got to play with my customers, and a couple of friends, and that's always the best. I really appreciate you girls being so willing to give up your time, and your opinions, and kick back and have some fun with us. I had an awesome time, and I hope you all did too!
Here's a picture of the new style, and all of us posing glamorously! ;)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Holidays Editions
Holiday colors! Yay! I had so much fun making these textures. They kinda snowballed (no pun intended there) once I got going. It was just going to be reds and greens. But you can't have reds and greens without golds and blues. The Cranberry was an afterthought. Then they all have to be tipped. Then Haedon suggested white with the Evergreen tips, so of course, I did that. Then Snow/Cranberry Tips and Snow/Gold Tips. Then just for fun I tried a candy stripe, like a candy cane. That came out so well I had to do a red and green striped.
I've gone texture crazy. Don't worry. I don't think it's contagious.

I've gone texture crazy. Don't worry. I don't think it's contagious.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
A few of Hae's favourite things...
I don't blog so much... I'm sure someone, somewhere has noticed. (Maybe) But anyway. 'Tis the season, and I've decided I need to start blogging more often.
For those of you that know me, you know my all time favourite thing (besides Ra!) is shopping. If you leave me unattended in a store of any sort, I will undoubtedly purchase at LEAST one item. Clothing is my downfall. If you walk past me, I can most likely tell you the name of the outfit you're wearing, where you got it, what colours it comes in, and how much it cost you. I can't remember what I ate for lunch, but I know where you got your skirt!!
I thought I'd take the opportunity to tell you all about a few of my current faves. They change all the time, but currently I'm just in love with this stuff. I even took pictures to share!

Sooo... on the left we have a brand spanking new outfit from Panjen (click to visit the store!). Panjen was actually one of the first places I went to when I started playing. I don't know why I waited so long to join the group, but now that I did I'm there all the time for her new stuffs. I put this on last night and pranced around in it for quite some time. It's the Flexi Bound Tutu Dress. You can also find her items on SLexchange. I decided to wear it with my Oi! 16 eye Doc Boots!
But baby it's cold outside.... That's ok! That's why Shai Delecroix made us coats. Pictured in the middle is the Ruby Shearling coat in Cocoa ( I bought one in Ebony too, cause... well cause I needed it). The texture on this is amazing. The lapel looks so soft. It comes with a mock turtleneck, and a cute pin (not shown). You can find this at Casa Del Shai. Shoes are Mary Jane clogs in brown by Shiny Things.
And on the right, last and definitely not least... the oh so warm velvet coat by WRONG. I landed at WRONG one day, maybe two weeks ago... and proceeded to buy the entire store. One of my fave items to come out of that spree was this gorgeous velvet coat. Comes with prim fur trim on the sleeves and collar, and a fluffy prim skirt. Shoes are the Sleek Lace-up Boots in Charcoal by Shiny Things.
And those... are a few of Hae's favourite things. You know, besides the whiskers on kittens and all that jazz. I promise to try and blog more often ;)
For those of you that know me, you know my all time favourite thing (besides Ra!) is shopping. If you leave me unattended in a store of any sort, I will undoubtedly purchase at LEAST one item. Clothing is my downfall. If you walk past me, I can most likely tell you the name of the outfit you're wearing, where you got it, what colours it comes in, and how much it cost you. I can't remember what I ate for lunch, but I know where you got your skirt!!
I thought I'd take the opportunity to tell you all about a few of my current faves. They change all the time, but currently I'm just in love with this stuff. I even took pictures to share!

Sooo... on the left we have a brand spanking new outfit from Panjen (click to visit the store!). Panjen was actually one of the first places I went to when I started playing. I don't know why I waited so long to join the group, but now that I did I'm there all the time for her new stuffs. I put this on last night and pranced around in it for quite some time. It's the Flexi Bound Tutu Dress. You can also find her items on SLexchange. I decided to wear it with my Oi! 16 eye Doc Boots!
But baby it's cold outside.... That's ok! That's why Shai Delecroix made us coats. Pictured in the middle is the Ruby Shearling coat in Cocoa ( I bought one in Ebony too, cause... well cause I needed it). The texture on this is amazing. The lapel looks so soft. It comes with a mock turtleneck, and a cute pin (not shown). You can find this at Casa Del Shai. Shoes are Mary Jane clogs in brown by Shiny Things.
And on the right, last and definitely not least... the oh so warm velvet coat by WRONG. I landed at WRONG one day, maybe two weeks ago... and proceeded to buy the entire store. One of my fave items to come out of that spree was this gorgeous velvet coat. Comes with prim fur trim on the sleeves and collar, and a fluffy prim skirt. Shoes are the Sleek Lace-up Boots in Charcoal by Shiny Things.
And those... are a few of Hae's favourite things. You know, besides the whiskers on kittens and all that jazz. I promise to try and blog more often ;)
Friday, December 01, 2006
A hodgepodge
The aftermath of the update, gotta love it. Nothing works, you can't TP anywhere, and now "Search Places" is turned off for the whole weekend?! What kind of bs is that? That really pisses me off as a business owner.
The trip to NYC was awesome, but much too short. Hae and I had dinner (with our respective husbands and my kids) at a TGI Friday's on Times Square. OMG, it was so funny. My (almost) 1-year-old grabbed my glass of water and pulled it towards him. Well he was sitting in my lap. I instinctively knocked the glass away from me...and right into my husband's lap across the table. (It was payback for him throwing our 3-year-old in a puddle *wink*) But the food was good, the company was better, and afterwards we walked around a scary part of NYC in the dark. We stopped in a little souvenir shop and I picked up some little odds and ends and a pink I <3 NYC coffee mug. Then we had coffee at a Starbucks (they had to go to Columbia to get the beans or something, it took foreva!) and got to walk and talk on the way back to Penn Station. And we saw the Empire State Building all lit up and red and green, and we saw a couple of mice playing around some shrubbery.
My kids were cranky and tired and my husband was too, and so we cut the day much shorter than I'd have liked. Next time, I'm going alone and staying as long as I want.
And during my boredness these last few days, I stole this from Ciera's blog, who stole it from Elika's blog, who stole it from....you get the picture.
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..
Here's mine:
Opening Credits: Tone Loc - Wild Thing
Waking up: Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius - Mr Edible Underwear Maker
First Day at School: Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now
Falling in love: Toasters - Don't let the Bastard Grind you Down
Breaking Up: Unwritten Law - My Girlfriend's Dead
Prom: Enigma - The Cross of Changes
Life's Ok: Hooters - And We Danced
Driving: Tom Jones - Secret Agent Man
Flashback: Paula Abdul (okay, so I grew up in the 80s, shoot me) - Forever Your Girl
Getting Back Together: Chicago - I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love
Wedding Scene: Buddy Holly - Great Balls of Fire
Birth of Child: Mary Poppins - Let's Go Fly a Kite
Final Battle: Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast - The Time Warp
Death Scene: The Beegees - Staying Alive (I'm sooo not kidding)
End Credits: Def Leopard - Pour Some Sugar on Me
The trip to NYC was awesome, but much too short. Hae and I had dinner (with our respective husbands and my kids) at a TGI Friday's on Times Square. OMG, it was so funny. My (almost) 1-year-old grabbed my glass of water and pulled it towards him. Well he was sitting in my lap. I instinctively knocked the glass away from me...and right into my husband's lap across the table. (It was payback for him throwing our 3-year-old in a puddle *wink*) But the food was good, the company was better, and afterwards we walked around a scary part of NYC in the dark. We stopped in a little souvenir shop and I picked up some little odds and ends and a pink I <3 NYC coffee mug. Then we had coffee at a Starbucks (they had to go to Columbia to get the beans or something, it took foreva!) and got to walk and talk on the way back to Penn Station. And we saw the Empire State Building all lit up and red and green, and we saw a couple of mice playing around some shrubbery.
My kids were cranky and tired and my husband was too, and so we cut the day much shorter than I'd have liked. Next time, I'm going alone and staying as long as I want.
And during my boredness these last few days, I stole this from Ciera's blog, who stole it from Elika's blog, who stole it from....you get the picture.
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..
Here's mine:
Opening Credits: Tone Loc - Wild Thing
Waking up: Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius - Mr Edible Underwear Maker
First Day at School: Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now
Falling in love: Toasters - Don't let the Bastard Grind you Down
Breaking Up: Unwritten Law - My Girlfriend's Dead
Prom: Enigma - The Cross of Changes
Life's Ok: Hooters - And We Danced
Driving: Tom Jones - Secret Agent Man
Flashback: Paula Abdul (okay, so I grew up in the 80s, shoot me) - Forever Your Girl
Getting Back Together: Chicago - I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love
Wedding Scene: Buddy Holly - Great Balls of Fire
Birth of Child: Mary Poppins - Let's Go Fly a Kite
Final Battle: Rocky Horror Picture Show Cast - The Time Warp
Death Scene: The Beegees - Staying Alive (I'm sooo not kidding)
End Credits: Def Leopard - Pour Some Sugar on Me
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