Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Friday Feature and new stuff!

I had the pleasure to meet with and talk to Liz Pinazzo from Ewing Fashion Agency (who recently did all the Pink Ribbon fund raising) yesterday. Sometimes during interviews, everything feels kind of forced and a little scripted. Liz did a fabulous job, she was very sweet and made me feel comfortable even before we sat down together. I'm really pleased with the way the interview is presented. It surprised me how long an article it turned out to be (who knew I could talk so much) but overall I have to say I'm feeling pretty proud of what we've done here with Calla. Linkage here if you want to have a read.

Now on to the goodies!

First up is a collaborative effort once again with Nicky Ree. Her Gypsy sets have been out for a while now, since this summer. She never released the head scarves because she had a hard time finding any hair that didn't have to be edited to death to fit it. So she asked me if I'd make something for her to fit her scarves because so many people asked about them. (They are fabulous!)

You'll see what I mean if you buy the hair or pick up a demo, but there are a lot of holes in this style. There's a lot of raw ends and cuts that are hidden by the scarves. This was so the scarf would fit without the hair sticking through all over the place. So obviously this style must be worn with something! Nicky's scarves are going to be sold separately and you will be able to pick them up in her locations and it will soon be available at Calla, along with the Gypsy Sets! These will be in the lobby near the Wish gown/Flowering Reed/Random Calliope set.

Gypsyweed - Because I can't sell you a hair that's completely unwearable without buying something else, I made a wreath to go with it. It was going to be just a plain headband but I got a little carried away. The color change on this is different than our norm. Just touch each flower to change the color, and you'll get a blue box pop up option with all the colors available. A hint for this: If you are wearing face lights you're going to need to make the wreath "full bright" to get truer colors. The face and skin lights (as well as local lighting sometimes) fade the color on the prims and it looks washed out.

To do this, make a copy of your hair wreath rename it and add on something like (copy) or (original) or whatever floats your boat. It's just so you can distinguish between the two and have an original copy to fall back on. Then wear/attach the hair wreath. Right click it and select "Edit" from the radial menu. Make sure the edit window that comes up is completely open. The blue button on the right side of that window towards the top should say "Less" if you have it open all the way. Select the Texture tab. Check the "Full Bright" box. Close your edit window. Easy as pie! You can rename your wreath with "full bright" or "to use with lights" or whatever you'd like. Or if you're comfortable editing prims and doing minor things like this, you can just check and uncheck the "Full bright" box as you need it.

Hawthorne - Haedon's doing some flexi again! Here's Hawthorne. This moves so pretty. I really have no idea how she manages to get these fabulous flexis. I spend hours and hours trying, and cussing, and crying and get a lot of nothing but a full trash folder. Hae is the uber flexi hair styler.

Hawthorne II - And Haedon's Hawthorne II! This is our first ever II style. Which should give you an indication of how cool v 1 is! Hawthorne II is shorter all over, with a higher cut in the back and longer in the front. It has the same soft movement as Hawthorne and the sexy "over the eye but not quite" look in front.

It's about time we have some love for the men. Sorry guys, it's really not that we forget about you, it's that boy hair is just so much harder to make. If someone would create a universal "norm" for male avie's head shape I would be eternally grateful. Until then...boys, you're probably going to have to edit.

By request from lots of our men, a couple slicked back styles for you.

Oncilla - This one's a flexi ponytail. Those bands are not color change. They are mod, so if you want to toss in a script, you can. (See your Calla Hair Instructions notecard.) I was informed that men would prefer not to have big colored bands, but something small and plain. So, hopefully I've gotten that a little less girly for you gentlemen.

Pampas Cat - This one is somewhat similar, but less ponytail and more of a knotted look. This was a recommendation for something like the guy from Highlander (the tv show). Which I've never seen and just had to go off pictures I could find. I'm not at all sure if this is close or not but I think it came out fairly close. Still no color change bands, but again you can mod and add them or just edit the color of the three bands if you wish.

As a side note and a little preview, we will be adding more shapes soon, both women's and men's! For the men, the shapes will be such that you won't have to edit any of our men's hair if you're wearing a shape you purchased from Calla! So less editing for you guys! As I recolor all of the current men's styles, I will make sure that this is true when they go back out in all 175 colors.

And that's it from us for now. We hope you folks in the US had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family and loved ones. We also hope that the approaching holidays are magical for everyone and filled with the truly important things!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Seven for the weekend in new colors

You never really realize just how much hair there is...until you have to recolor it all. The recoloring isn't too bad (thanks to the ELCM) but the boxing will kill you. It's so mind numbingly boring.

Anyway, enough whining and on to the goodies! Some of these are my all time favorites.

Daisy, my first ponytail got a makeover. It's not a big difference, but I fixed it up a little, adjusted some of the prims to look a little more even. It was one of my firsts, it kinda needed some improving. The bangs are just slightly different. If you have an old one you'll probably be able to switch back and forth and tell the difference. Subtle but better!

I almost put the color change script in this hair clip. But I didn't. It's still a tortoise shell clip. It is mod as always and if you want to put in color change, read the Calla Hair Instructions notecard and it will explain how to do it. If you don't have the script, let me know and I'll drop you a copy. As much as I love the color change, this one just still feels like a tortoise shell to me.

Peach Blossom also got a little bit of making over. The back should be more even now, and I switched out the flexi tails. They had been a bunch of tapered prims. I took that out and put in the alpha'd flexi tails. It's a little less primmy, and a little more natural looking and still just as adorable. I left the bows each color changing independently. I've had two or three people ask me to set them so you change all the bows at once, but I really like the versatility of being able to change all the bows.

And that's it for now. Have a fabulous weekend!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

If you haven't heard from me....

then they've carted me off (finally) to the looney bin. Okay, yeah, they already did that and they call it SL.

All kidding aside, if you're expecting to hear from me about something and haven't (gift certificate, purchase issue, etc) please, please, please send me a note card again. The grid has been insanely difficult this week as you're all aware. Several people did not receive items and/or folders I dropped to them. Likewise, I haven't received things that people dropped to me. Strangely enough, they show up on my transaction history but not in my inventory. However, if I don't know you dropped me anything, I don't know to go looking for it.

So if you're waiting on a reply from me, please send me another notecard.

I got to do the whole "swallow this camera" thing Wednesday, and had some biopsies taken which I won't know anything about for a few weeks. That "C" word is scary, let me tell you. I feel pretty okay that isn't the problem, but when doctors want to take hunks out of you to check anyway, it's a pretty unnerving feeling. Anyway, I was much, much loopy Wednesday from the sedation. It took me more than three times as long as "normal" to come out of it. I do remember the nurse saying that I was a "lightweight" but I had no idea what she was talking about. Apparently I said and did quite a few things that I don't remember at all.

Needless to say, I didn't do anything much this week. I did catch up on all that I had in my inventory on Friday. I thought I was caught up, until I had several issues today of things having never gone through. If you're one of the ones that it never went through to, I'm so sorry. The Lindens are having a fine time with our inventory items. Holler at me again and we'll get it sorted out.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Ten more in all 175

I don't know about most people, but when I'm mad, I get a lot done. Usually my house gets really clean. Unfortunately (or fortunately I guess, depending on how you look at it) my house was already pretty clean. So I tackled my inventory instead. Y'all benefit this time instead of my living room!

Here they are:

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