Calla: Random Ramblings from Tigerlily Koi

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Six new for the weekend

How insane has this week been? Gotta love when they shove through a viewer that isn't ready. We'd planned to get this stuff out sooner, but Linden Labs had other ideas, obviously.

Azalea - This one is, without question, my current favorite. I'm actually loving the flexi on this one, and I'm so proud of the soft, pushed back bangs that I could just squeal. This style has actually been on my "to-do" list for quite some time, and it's really turned out better than I'd hoped.

Peony - Doesn't this just scream Carol Brady? (Please, if you don't know who I'm talking about, don't ask, because then I'll feel old.) Haedon has done an incredible job of taking that Carol Brady flip and making it look new. You must try it on to really see the flip detail. And since the demo's free, how can you not?!

Pine - We all know I don't rock the piggies the way Hae does, but I had fun with these at least. There's some flexi in there to give them that bouncy-piggie look and the bands are color change. Like you didn't know that already. This one is actually inspired by Pansy, with the big, bouncy feel.

Tuber Rose - This ad just looks so Matrix-like that I see Trinity every time I look at it. This has a bit of the seductive, hair-over-the-eye thing going on. But, if you look on the right side, the hall falls just so and you can shoot someone a dirty look when they think you're not paying attention. Or, a suggestive wink if that's more your style.

Tulip - Total "Pulp Fiction" going on here. Doesn't that look just like Uma Thurman? This one's Haedon's, and I must say when I wear it, I feel a little bit of bad girl coming to the surface. Very, very hot ladies!

Serval - And last, but not least! Newness for the men! I had some kind of inspiration for this style...but at the moment it escapes me. (Hey, I did it before I left for vacation, and a lot has happened since then.)

Have a beautiful weekend, may the SL gods smile on you! And look for more Relay for Life things coming from us this week!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Relay for Life Releases

It has recently been brought to my attention that we haven't blogged our Relay for Life items. So, here they are. These colors are specifically only for the Relay for Life efforts in SL. (100% of proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.) They will not be available after the Relay for Life drives end this year.

We've released 10 styles in these colors, and there are another 15 scheduled for release soon. Five of those fifteen are men's styles, because there's just so little out there that the guys can buy to contribute. I know, I know. The hair is purple. But there's also a black with the relay purple tips which isn't too girly. And hey, it's for a good cause.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

OMG! Is it good to be home!!!

Some of you may have noticed (or not) that I've been gone. My family and I went to visit my parents. I also got to see my brother while we were there, and my sister came down for a day. So it was a family reunion of sorts. (I hadn't seen either of them in nearly 4 years.)

Vacation Day 1 - Flights were relatively uneventful (which is always good) and it was good to get in and unpack, settle in, etc. We had dinner, lounged around, took naps. It was good.

Vacation Day 2 - (TMI WARNING - the easily squeamish should skip this one.) I started my period for the first time since my 16 month old was born. Happy vacation, right? We went out to dinner with my parents. <3 Olive Garden.

Vacation Day 3 - We went shopping, hung out, my brother and his daughter came over, we had dinner. We took the 16 month old for his first hair cut. I'll have to post pictures later, but he was sooo good! He sat all by himself and did great. He looks so much more grown up now!

Vacation Day 4 - 1:30 am (ANOTHER TMI WARNING - the easily squeamish should probably just skip the rest of this post, actually.) Cute, very grown up looking little man with new hair cut gets very sick. He started throwing up everything, couldn't keep anything in him. That afternoon he started running a fever, so we took him to the ER. They said Tylenol suppositories (poor guy) and pedialyte (which as anyone with kids knows, is the nastiest stuff ever) and if he wasn't any better to bring him back the next day.

Vacation Day 5 - repeat Day 4, but (TMI WARNING AGAIN) add diarrhea. We took him back, and they told us this time that if he kept throwing up to bring him back for IV fluids.

Vacation Day 6 - He still threw up a few times that night (technically day 6, but I was not going to the ER at that time of the morning). By the time we got up, he'd stopped puking.

Vacation Day 7 - the diarrhea continues. He's still running a low-grade fever. I've done so much laundry that I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to buy my parents a new washing machine.

Vacation Day 8 - The little one's fever was gone, so we went to the zoo! It was just a little zoo, took like an hour and a half, but it was fun. And I fell in love with the leopard that hissed at me when I made kissy noises at him. They wouldn't let me take him home, though.

Vacation Day 9 - We had to buy another suitcase to get all our stuff home in. And we spent nearly 100 usd shipping stuff home a few days before. Baby somehow managed to not poop in his diaper, but out of the car seat and all over the back seat of my dad's car. I managed to forget the diaper bag and we had nothing! So hubby had to run in, buy clothes, diapers, wipes, etc etc, so we could clean up the little guy, the carseats and then get a suitcase. Pack, do more laundry, feel bad cause I only got to see my sister for a few hours, etc etc.

Vacation Day 10 - We got up at 3:45 to be to the airport in time for our 6:00am flight. The guy who fills the planes with gas apparently forgot to go in to work. They had to make all the planes sit and wait while someone else came in and fueled them all up. Thankfully the diarrhea wasn't on the plane, but apparently it's not over yet.

And I've got a bazillion emails from IM's over the last week, and who knows what else in my inventory (since my inventory still won't load)to catch up on.

But it's good to be home. I promise I won't be doing that vacation thing again any time soon. I'm exhausted.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Hair Fair! AND New Releases @ Calla!

Hair Fair. Wow. Lots 'n' lots of hair. We weren't around for Hair Fair last year, so it's been interesting to say the least.

Haedon did an INCREDIBLE job with our booth. If I could get in, I would take pictures for you all. But I'm so not gonna fight that crowd again just yet. So, if you happen to make it in, we're there, and we have the most gorgeous booth! We're number 3, to the left when you enter the main Site 1 entrance.

We've got a few things there, 3 new styles, one of which is for Locks of Love and will only be available at the Hair Fair.

I just want to say that while I understand they wanted new releases for the Hair Fair, and I think that's great, I think we should be able to offer them in our stores too after the first few days. At least to group members only. I don't know, I just somehow feel like we're cheating you guys out of good stuff. Even though they'll go out in the shop as soon as Hair Fair is over. It's probably just me, but I have a special affection for our group, and dang it, y'all deserve extra special treatment.

Anyway, here're the Hair Fair styles which will be available at Calla as soon as the Hair Fair ends.

Fennel - This one is my contribution, and you can probably guess that by all the curls. Anyway, this one was pretty challenging, and those blasted little flowers took forever. There are two (yes! TWO!) optional flower attachments that come with this style. One has the flowers just in the back, and the other has flowers across the front hairline as well. Because, sometimes you just want more flowers. Sometimes you don't. And sometimes, you want none! Oh, and the flowers are scripted color change, except for the centers. Which are diamonds. I was feeling a little fancy.

White Violet - This one is Haedon's Hair Fair style, and absolutely one of my top ever favorites. (I know, I say that all the time, but I really mean it!) It's one of those carefree styles which looks great in PJs, or jeans, or a business suit. It's a supremely versatile style! The color bands and the little clippys (how cute are those!) are scripted color change. You know how we love the color change.

Marshmallow - This one was sort of a joint effort. We both had the same idea, and Haedon was just much better at executing it than I was. I tried. You should see it. Well, maybe you shouldn't. The meaning of Marshmallow is beneficence, which seemed fitting for this style. It will not be available anywhere other than at Hair Fair, and 100% of the proceeds from this style are going to the Locks of Love charity. So please, if you can get into the Hair Fair, grab this one for a good cause.

We just couldn't leave you guys out, we had to release stuff at the shop. Because we love you. We've got 4 more new styles, and we're putting out the Springs LTD Edition Packs in those, plus the two styles we did for Hair Fair. These colors are only available for a limited time, so please get them if you want them.

Fir - Hae calls this my hippie hair. I love it anyway. It's flexi and has that cute scarf (which is scripted color change) that actually is knotted. The knot is kind of hidden in the hair, but trust me, it's there. Make a copy and take the wig all apart if you want to see.

Mignonette - Haedon rawks the piggies, every time. These are just soooo cute! They're a lot of fun, and they have scripted color change bands! (Surprise!) We had a lot of fun making this ad. It was a departure from the norm, and it turned out super cute.

Pansy - This is a big fluffy pony! I wanted to make something similar to Red Poppy but longer, a little messier, and a little...bigger. I'm really happy with this one. I tend to do more sleek, smooth styles, but I had a super fun time making this one. You might be seeing more big hair!

Purple Lilac - Have I mentioned that Hae rawks the piggies? These are french braided piggies, with long flexi tails. Pigtails are hard to do (I think) because you've got to get that part just right. French braids are hard because you've got to get them overlapping so they look like a braid. I'm super proud of her for this one. I don't think I'd have even attempted it yet. Oh, yeah! Those hair bands...color change! (Like you didn't know.)

Here's the current batch of Spring styles. Remember, these are only out for a little while. (Like till we have to take them down to put out new stuff. So I can't really give you an exact length of time. Maybe a week? Maybe more?) So get them while you can.

So, that's it for today. Lots of hoopla over the Hair Fair. If you can, get in there and check it out. There are lots of great displays and styles from so many designers. And if you see any "Hairy Participants" there, thank them for their hard work. We've all spent a great amount of time over the last few weeks getting ready, and doing all the little extras to make things special, and of course a lot of time and efforts have been donated towards Locks of Love. If nothing else, grab the Locks of Love styles and support this wonderful organization.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

/me stops to breathe

Okay, I've been the worst ever blogger lately. We've been insanely busy with Hair Fair stuff, and Relay for Life stuff, and RL stuff, and the usual customers, and grid issues, and. Yeah, you get it.

Anyway, so I'm in the shop today, minding my own business. Trying to help a new girl find the medium length styles.

When out of nowhere I get an IM (I might not have answered had I realized it was a guy to start with, but he had a "typically" girl's name) :

[11:01] Clueless Boy: very nice look girl ;)
[11:01] Tigerlily Koi: aww thanks :)
[11:01] Clueless Boy: awww yw :)
[11:02] Clueless Boy: should i keep looking at you or come over and talk to you ??
[11:02] Clueless Boy: :)
[11:03] Tigerlily Koi: lol
[11:03] Tigerlily Koi: I can honestly say NO one has ever asked me that
[11:03] Clueless Boy: and that means??
[11:03] Clueless Boy: what :)
[11:04] Tigerlily Koi: means I have no idea how to answer that lol

So he comes over and stands, like, right on top of me. And I realize it's a guy.

[11:04] Clueless Boy: your alittle one
[11:04] Tigerlily Koi: no, you're a tall one
[11:04] Clueless Boy: yep
[11:04] Clueless Boy: but
[11:04] Clueless Boy: i think u might look good on me :)
[11:05] Tigerlily Koi: my avie's 5'10 barefoot :)
[11:05] Clueless Boy: i don't measure :)

I call bullshit.

[11:05] Tigerlily Koi: all men measure
[11:05] Clueless Boy: size doesn't count :)
[11:06] Clueless Boy: does it ??
[11:06] Tigerlily Koi: yep

What?! I'm not going to LIE!

[11:06] Clueless Boy: well hell then
[11:06] Clueless Boy: wanna try me on for size ?? :)
[11:07] Tigerlily Koi: you're serious?
[11:07] Clueless Boy: hell yes
[11:07] Clueless Boy: :)
[11:07] Clueless Boy: look at u
[11:07] Clueless Boy: :)

I look at me. Maybe this new skin isn't the best idea.

[11:08] Clueless Boy: u own this place ??
[11:08] Tigerlily Koi: I do
[11:08] Clueless Boy: you did a nice job
[11:08] Clueless Boy: very organized
[11:09] Clueless Boy: and well done
[11:09] Tigerlily Koi: Thank you :)
[11:09] Tigerlily Koi: My partner did most of it, she's the organizational one, and our friend Nex, who owns Brutal Gear, did the building itself

I pause while he lets that "p" word sink in. He changes tactics.

[11:10] Clueless Boy: is all the hair here flexi ??
[11:10] Tigerlily Koi: nope, only some of it
[11:10] Clueless Boy: you have a nice one
[11:10] Clueless Boy: it looks good on u
[11:10] Tigerlily Koi: thanks :) It's a new one, not out yet
[11:11] Clueless Boy: it's nice
[11:11] Tigerlily Koi: Thanks :)
[11:11] Clueless Boy: how long have you had this
[11:11] Tigerlily Koi: the shop?
[11:11] Clueless Boy: yes
[11:12] Tigerlily Koi: we've been here on the island about 2 months
[11:12] Clueless Boy: why not all flex ?
[11:12] Tigerlily Koi: because we hate flexi
[11:12] Clueless Boy: but thats a brand right ?

Flexi is a brand?! I didn't get that memo.

[11:12] Tigerlily Koi: no
[11:13] Clueless Boy: that means the hair flows correct ?
[11:13] Clueless Boy: like yours
[11:13] Clueless Boy: wen u move
[11:13] Tigerlily Koi: right
[11:13] Tigerlily Koi: it's a type of prim
[11:13] Clueless Boy: so why do you hate it
[11:14] Tigerlily Koi: it's just hard to make it look right without being crazy all over the place
[11:14] Clueless Boy: but in the longer styles especially
[11:14] Clueless Boy: the hair looks like straw if it's not flexi
[11:15] Tigerlily Koi: only if the textures look like straw

He pauses to consider this. I hope he was looking at the horrible looking thing on his head that he thought passed for hair. It looked like it had, at some point, been alive.

[11:16] Clueless Boy: i like to buy hair for girls that i know
[11:16] Clueless Boy: how do i buy and give later

Now, I'm pretty sure he's Clueless.

[11:17] Tigerlily Koi: you can't, hair is no transfer. You can buy gift cards though
[11:17] Clueless Boy: yeah but then they come and get the stupid thing they want :)
[11:17] Clueless Boy: and u see what some of them walk outta here with i'm sure
[11:17] Clueless Boy: clueless

My jaw actually fell open IRL.

[11:18] Tigerlily Koi: I think you're badmouthing my customers
[11:18] Clueless Boy: well yes
[11:18] Clueless Boy: but they can't hear me:)
[11:18] Tigerlily Koi: But I can
[11:18] Clueless Boy: and i'm your customer

He's badmouthing himself?!

[11:18] Clueless Boy: a good one
[11:18] Clueless Boy: :)
[11:18] Tigerlily Koi: you're not wearing my hair

He can't be that good.

[11:19] Clueless Boy: well
[11:19] Clueless Boy: help me then
[11:19] Clueless Boy: find me a hair
[11:19] Clueless Boy: i came here first
[11:20] Tigerlily Koi: The men's section is on the far side

Of the moon.

At which point, the grid Gods had mercy on me and the sim crashed.
©Calla, 2006-2009, All rights reserved.